Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program

Alberta Immigration Nominee Program (AINP)

Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP)

Alberta Immigration Nominee Program (AINP)

Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) is a separate Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) that allows the province to nominate the aspirants on the basis of their specific expertise and skills to migrate and stay in the province.

Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) is an economic immigration program operated by the Government of Alberta with the government of Canada’s Department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) which supports Alberta’s economic growth by attracting immigrants to work in the province.

Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) is the program for immigrants with the right mix of skills and work experience which is required by the province may receive an Alberta Provincial Nomination Certificate.

Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) consists of the following Immigration Streams i.e.

  1. Alberta Opportunity Stream
  2. Alberta Express Entry Stream
  3. Alberta Self-Employed Farmer Stream

Note: Alberta Strategic Recruitment Stream and Employer-Driven Stream were terminated on 14th June 2018.

Alberta opportunity Stream

Alberta Opportunity Stream

Alberta Opportunity Stream allows individuals who meet the streams minimum eligibility requirements and are working in Alberta in an eligible occupation to apply for an Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) provincial nomination.

To know more about the eligibility requirements for the AINP Alberta Opportunity Stream

Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) will introduce further changes to the Alberta Opportunity Stream between 2019 and 2021.

Alberta Express Entry Stream

Alberta Express Entry Stream

Alberta Express Entry Stream allows the government of Alberta to nominate eligible candidates from Canada’s Express Entry System. The successful nomination from Alberta Express Entry stream results on 600 additional Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points.

To know more about the eligibility requirements of the AINP Alberta Express Entry stream.

Alberta Self-Employed Farmer Stream

Alberta Self-Employed Farmer Stream

Alberta Self-Employed Farmer Stream allows individuals with farming experience and personal funds to purchase and develop a farm in Alberta to apply for a permanent residence. The successful applicants are farm owners/operators who plan to live in Alberta to purchase and manage their farming business.

To know more about the eligibility requirements of the AINP Self – Employed Farmer Stream.

The following streams are now terminated. They were replaced by the Alberta Opportunity Stream on 14th June 2018.

Alberta Strategic Recruitment Stream

Alberta Strategic Recruitment Stream was available to individuals to apply to the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) without the employer support. It consisted of 3 different categories i.e.

  1. Compulsory and Optional Trades Category – Compulsory and Optional Trades Category is for the tradespersons who hold either an Alberta Qualification Certificate or a Recognized Trade Certificate were eligible under this category. Individuals must be residing in Alberta on a valid work permit at the time of application and work in a compulsory or optional trade.
  2. Engineering Occupations Category – Engineering Occupations category was designed for engineers, designers, and drafters with Alberta work experience. The applicants must work in one of the designated occupations.
  3. Post Graduate Worker Category – Post Graduate Worker Category is for the individuals who have graduated from a recognized post-secondary institution in Alberta, and who are currently working in Alberta in an eligible occupation on a Post-Graduation Work Permit were eligible for this program.

Employer-Driven Stream

The employer-Driven stream was available for the employers to nominate workers to the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) for the Canadian immigration. This stream consisted of 3 sub-categories i.e.

  1. Skilled Worker Category – Skilled Worker Category is for individuals with a permanent, full-time job offer in an eligible skilled occupation. Individuals are not required to be working in Alberta at the time of application.
  2. International Graduate Category – International Graduate Category is for individuals who have graduated from a recognized post-secondary institution in Canada, hold a valid Post-Graduation Work Permit, and have received a permanent, full-time job offer from an Alberta employer.
  3. Semi-Skilled Worker Category – Semi-Skilled Worker Category is for the temporary foreign workers who have received a permanent, full-time job offer from an Alberta employer in an eligible semi-skilled occupation.

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